LIfBi's TeX Live repository

Welcome to LIfBi’s TeX Live repository

This site provides a custom TeX Live repository. It is meant to be used by LIfBi staff internally. The contents of packages provided here may contain

  1. non-free material
  2. copyrighted and/or licensed material that is only to be used by LIfBi staff.

A plain list of the packages provided by this repository is provided in a separate file.

Adding this repository to your TeX Live installation

If you want to add this repository to your local TeX Live installation, you need to

  1. download our public key
  2. start a command line / terminal with administrative privileges
  3. run tlmgr key add lifbi-latex.asc
  4. run tlmgr repository add LIfBi
  5. run tlmgr pinning add LIfBi "*"

If you don’t have GnuPG installed on your system, we highly recommend to change this. If you don’t want to, skip steps 1 and 3 of the above.

Developers: Changing things in an existing package

  1. clone the git repository
  2. make your changes
    1. in case you changed a dtx file, run make dist in the subfolder dtx
  3. git add <changed files>
  4. git commit -m "<information about what you changed, and why>"
  5. import the FDZ-LIfBi packaging PGP key into your keyring
  6. execute
  7. copy the result from folder tl-repository to the SMB directory \\\daten\Projektgruppen_(08)\nocrypt.neps-data.de_(p000141)\latex, which is automatically mirrored to the NEPS website

Note: be careful to resolve symlinks when copying, use cp -aL <source> <destination> when copying from Linux/Unix/macOS!

Developers: Adding a new package

  1. clone the git repository
  2. create your TeX files (preferably in a dtx file placed in the subfolder dtx
    1. in case you created a dtx file, run make dist in the subfolder dtx
    2. otherwise, make sure that you obeyed the TeX directory structure!
  3. create <packagename>.tlpsrc in subfolder tlpkg/tlpkgsrc
  4. git add <new files>
  5. git commit -m "<information about what inserted, and why>"
  6. import the FDZ-LIfBi packaging PGP key into your keyring
  7. execute
  8. copy the result from folder tl-repository to the SMB directory \\\daten\Projektgruppen_(08)\nocrypt.neps-data.de_(p000141)\latex, which is automatically mirrored to the NEPS website

Note: be careful to resolve symlinks when copying, use cp -aL <source> <destination> when copying from Linux/Unix/macOS!